Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison

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Anyone in the business of furniture, pipes, or cabinets knows there is always a need for the perfect clamp. This is because a  clamp helps align pieces into one complete and perfect product. Thus, it is a very important piece in these industries.

However, we know the number of options available on the market could be difficult to choose from. That is why we have decided to make it easy for you by highlighting some of the best pipe clamps we could find. Hopefully, this will help you in making the right decision. Let’s dig in.

Comparison Chart

Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison 1

Bessey BPC-H34 H Style Pipe Clamp

Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison 2

PONY 50 Pipe Clamp

Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison 3


Best Pipe Clamps Reviews

Bessey BPC H34 H-Style Pipe Clamp

Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison 4

This Bessey clamp is relatively cheap and is a top-notch tool for all your wood, piping, and cabinet jobs. It provides you with excellent support and stability while carrying out your tasks. Using this clamp will ensure that you get the best fittings, which then leads to perfect finishes.


The H-34 Pipe Clamp from Bessey is perfectly designed to aid you throughout the course of your job. Coming in the H-shape foot assembly, the clamp is stabilized in two dimensions. This provides dual stability as you carry out your work.

It has a high base, which makes it possible to have exceedingly good clearance from the work surface. This ensures that you can work in comfortable positions while using this clamp. It also ensures freedom from possible injuries due to wrong positioning.

The jaw and handles are cast to allow it to last for an exceedingly long time. The cast jaw and handles also allow for smooth spindling action. It comes with two jaw caps, which prevent your work from being damaged while it is clamped.

This clamp comes with a solid H-style base, which will ensure that your clamps do not tilt over while working. Additionally, there is a large cranking handle that clears the working surface when the jaws are being opened or closed.

It also has a clutch action system that allows it to grip bars automatically without any stress to you. Working with this clamp, you can be certain of high-quality finishes all the time.


  • Quite cheap and affordable
  • Plastic clamp covers are available
  • Good quality foot design
  • Provides efficient working space


  • Finishing may be rough
  • Threads wear out easily



PONY 50 Pipe Clamp

Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison 5

Working with this clamp from Pony will assure you of good quality joints for your projects. In addition, this clamp is designed to give you comfort as you work. Good quality joints, safe work conditions, and easy use of the clamp will make you a happy and satisfied worker.


This clamp is suitable for any length of bar clamps within the ¾-inch range, and it comes with both ends fully threaded, providing you with a tight fit at all times. This ensures that your work is always held firmly and won’t give in easily.

The clamp is very easy to use and will not pose any difficulty while you are working. It has a large clamping capacity that may only be limited by the length of the pipe being used. This makes it suitable for different ranges of clamping jobs.

It comes with a uniquely designed multiple-disc clutch that ensures you have a firm hold at any point in time. This allows you to work easily and comfortably with the parts always in a stable position.

This clamp can be used for a variety of projects, including wood, metal, and framework. It is also suitable for use as a DIY tool or as an industrial production tool. This clamp will provide you maximum satisfaction as you work.

Having interchangeable fixtures, it can readily be used to make different lengths of bar clamps. This eliminates the need of buying multiple size clamps, and you will definitely enjoy working with this perfectly designed tool.


  • Lasts for long periods of time
  • Heavy-duty screws available
  • Excellent threading to the end
  • Very easy to use


  • Finishing may be poor
  • Quality of design may be low




Best Pipe Clamps of 2020: Complete Reviews with Comparison 6

Excellently designed for comfort and perfect joining, this clamp is a perfect choice. It has an innovative design, is long-lasting, and is easy to use. The clamp poses no stress to you, and it ensures that you have just the right tool for the job.


Being very innovative, the clamp is designed with a solid clutch system that eliminates the need for threaded pipe. This means you don’t have any reason to worry if there are no threads available on your pipes.

Coming with large feet, the clamp offers greater stability and more clearance between the handle and workshop. This ensures that you can work easily and conveniently at all times while avoiding bad working positions.

The clamp also caters to your well-being, as the handle is ergonomically designed to prevent possible hand fatigue and easier clamping. Additionally, the handle is long to stop you from skinning your knuckles repeatedly.

For durability and dependability, it comes with very large, easily released clutch plates. It also comes with a double threaded design, reducing the amount of pressure required to close a piece.


  • Smooth and easy operation
  • Ergonomically designed for safe use
  • Eliminates the need for excess clamps
  • Allows faster pressure applications


  • Clamps may slip off easily
  • Not enough clamping pressure




Though more brands of clamps are available on the market, these three have stood out considerably and are truly among the best. Whichever one you pick, you will enjoy working with it.

Choosing a winner among the three clamps is something that must be done, however. After considering ease of use, safety, perfect alignment, amount of pressure required, and other factors, our winner would be the Pony 50 Pipe Clamp, as it offers all of the above and more.

The Bessey BPC H34 Pipe Clamp is a close second, as it offers almost all the qualities listed above. Its only shortfall is the easy wearing away of the threads. The Irwin Quick-Grip Pipe clamp comes in at third place. This is due to the difficulty of aligning the clamp.

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